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Washer tap 1/2 "male- 3/8" male - 3/8 male A-80 TWIN MAC chrome Arco

Brand: ARCO

Reference: CQ4102

Offer: £16.99
PVP: £24.59
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A-80 TWIN washer tap 1/2 "male- 3/8" male - 3/8 male without nut with chrome finish, VITAQ SYSTEM. A-80 Angle Valves are used in plumbing installations. They allow to cut off individually the water supply to sinks, cisterns and other points of consumption to proceed with its repair or replacement.


More information
These valves are maneuvered by a quarter turn. Models with VITAQ SYSTEM are especially suitable to resist the effects of lime on valves, extending their useful life. Additionally, this series has different configurations for small spaces, finished with design controls, longer body lengths.
High quality chrome finish Shaft and ball made in one piece, original ARCO design, which provides greater resistance, higher flow and completely silent (less than 15dBA).
VITAQ SYSTEM consists of a shaft and a ball made in one piece with a limescale polymer. This arrangement increases its resistance, facilitates a smooth maneuver and prevents lime from sticking to it. In those installations where the hardness of the water or the temperature facilitate the deposition of lime, generally associated with a low frequency of maneuvering of the valves, an increase in the hardness of the maneuver occurs after long periods of time. VITAQ SYSTEM is the solution to prevent this harshness in the maneuver and keep the flow rate constant over time, by preventing lime from sticking to it, reducing the flow of water.

Features of the 1/2 "male- 3/8" male - 3/8 male A-80 TWIN MAC chrome washer tap:
- Quarter turn drive system.
- Exterior sealing system by double O-ring.
- Original ARCO thread drawing that facilitates and improves the application of Teflon tape or tow.
- Nominal pressure: 16 bar.
- Test pressure: 25 bar.
- Temperature range: cold and hot water up to 95ºC.
- Fluid: drinking water and sanitary hot water.
- Made of European brass according to EN12164 and EN12165 standards.

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| 17/03/2023 | Verified purchase
1/2 "Male - 3/8" Male - 3/8 Male A-80 TWIN MAC Chrome Arc Washer Tap

Todo perfecto

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