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Ceiling motion detector with 360º coverage Dinuy

Brand: DINUY

Reference: DM TEC 008

Offer: £29.08
PVP: £69.21
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Ceiling recessed motion detector with 360º coverage, 1 channel and 10A. Automatic lighting control based on movement and natural light. Timing and Luminosity Level adjustable by potentiometers.


More information

- Motion Detector, with PIR technology, for recessed ceiling installation, indoors.

- Automatic lighting control based on movement and natural light.

- Timing and Brightness Level adjustable by potentiometers.

- Maximum coverage of 360º and Ø7m, at 2.5m high.

- Zero crossing switching, which allows the protection of your relay and the switching of all kinds of lamps.

- Valid for all types of lamps, including LEDs and Fluorescence.

- Supports contactor.

- Application examples: corridors, communities, bathrooms, etc.

Features of the 360º coverage ceiling movement detector:

- Power: 230V ~ ± 10% 50 / 60Hz

- Own consumption: <, 1W

- Cutting capacity: 10A cos? = 1

- Maximum Incandescence Load: 2,000W

- 230V Maximum Halogen Load: 2,000W

- Maximum Halogen Load MBT (Ferromagnetic): 2,400W

- Maximum Halogen Load MBT (Electronic): 2,000W

- Maximum Fluorescence Load: 600VA (100µF)

- Maximum LED Load: 200W

- Coverage: 360º at 2.5m high and 18º

- Timing: Impulse, 6sec ~ 12min

- Brightness: 3 ~ 100Lux

- Operating temperature: -20ºC ~ + 50ºC

- Protection Index: IP40, Class II

Comments (1)

| 09/12/2020 | Verified purchase
Dinuy 360º coverage ceiling movement detector

todo perfecto

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