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Electric water heater Andris R30 OR Ariston


Reference: 3100337

Offer: £124.98
PVP: £234.62


The compact structure of the Ariston Andris water heaters favors its perfect integration in small spaces and allows the possibility of inverted mounting with its version under the sink.


Energy class:
Installation type:
About sink


More information

Maximum energy efficiency in the smallest space

Capable of maintaining the hot temperature for longer thanks to its high-density polyurethane insulation between the boiler and the outer lid that limits thermal dispersion, optimizing the operation of the thermos and increasing the comfort. 

Andris R incorporates high-quality materials that extend the life of the product. The copper resistor improves corrosion protection compared to a standard resistor. The front regulation of the temperature is carried out through an easy and intuitive single-lever. 

Main characteristics of the Ariston Andris R30 OR:

- Compact dimensions ideal for small spaces 

- Range with model for mechanical temperature installation by front control 

- Easy mechanical regulation of temperature by front control 

- Position "E" to maximize energy savings 

- Shielded copper anti-corrosion resistance 

- Enameled pot 

- High-density polyurethane insulation (no CDC or HCFC) 

- Magnesium anode of great durability and easy 

- 4-bolt plate for greater durability and easy maintenance 

- Thermostat TBS 

- Short heating time 

- Easy installation with wall bracket included 

Technical characteristics of the Andris R30 OR of Ariston

- Model: ANDRIS R30 OR 

- Reference: 3100337 

- Installation: Over sink 

- Capacity: 30 litres 

- Power: 1500 W 

- Voltage: 230 V 

- Heating time: 1h10min 

- Maximum exercise temperature: 78ºC 

- Maximum operating pressure: 8 bar 

- Warranty: 3 years

- Dimensions: 447 mm high x 447 mm wide x 389 mm deep 

- Net weight: 12.8 kg

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Comments (8)

| 16/12/2023 | Verified purchase
Electric water heater Andris R30 OR Ariston

Muy rápido y bien embalado

| 25/11/2023 | Verified purchase
Electric water heater Andris R30 OR Ariston

Recomiendo este producto porque está a la altura de las expectativas que tenía.

| 23/10/2022 | Verified purchase
Electric water heater Andris R30 OR Ariston

El servicio y precio de rehabilitaweb, excelente. En cuanto al termo, lo he comprado para sustituir el modelo anterior de Ariston que me dio buen resultado. Sin embargo este otro modelo (ya descatalogado porque hay dos versiones más modernas) empobrece el anterior porque no incorpora el interruptor de apagado, el mando de ajuste va bastante duro y además está mal situado ya que estos aparatos se colocan en alto y la posición del mando, en la mitad superior, solo permite el acceso a personas de más de 1,80 m. de altura. Mi esposa, de 1,72, utiliza una banqueta para ajustarlo. Hablo de mi caso que, para permitir la apertura de la puerta, está casi pegado al techo. En el que tenía antes el mando estaba más accesible. Quitando esto, faltará comprobar si resuta tan bueno como el antiguo.

| 30/11/2021 | Verified purchase
Electric water heater Andris R30 OR Ariston

El aparato vino bloqueado, pero lo solucionaron rápida mente

| 12/08/2021 | Verified purchase
Electric water heater Andris R30 OR Ariston

Buona spedizione

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| 19/04/2020
Electric water heater Andris R30 OR Ariston

Boa tarde Agradeço a vossa informação, acerca do vosso, sistema de aquecimento de agua, ARISTON - Andris R30 ES, Se permite para banhos, sem interrupção da agua quente, Se da para regular a temperatura da agua no banho. Agradeço a vossa resposta por e-mail, pois sou surdo. Muito obrigado Os meus agradecimentos Fernando Caldeira

| 14/03/2019
Electric water heater Andris R30 OR Ariston

llevo dos semanas con él y esto no gasta nada de luz. Da agua caliente abundante y ocupa muy poco. La tecnología en este sentido ha avanzado y que siga así. Yo de momento, muy contento.

| 06/09/2018
Electric water heater Andris R30 OR Ariston

Muy bien . Elegante y practico

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Este termo se puede colocar horizontalmente?

Store response | 01/02/2021

Buenos días, no, este termo tiene que ir en vertical.

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