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W10 AME Butane Neckar Gas Watertight Gas Heater


Reference: 7731200263

Offer: £298.67
PVP: £493.41


The range of Neckar heaters is completed with the latest advances in Low NOx technology, facilitating temperature control and ensuring maximum respect for the environment.That is why we present the Neckar W10 AME Butane Gas Watertight Gas Heater. DOES NOT INCLUDE THE EXTRACTION TUBE


Gas type:
Power in kW:
Energy class:
Flow (l / min):


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Choosing the right heater for a home, it is essential to decide the type of ignition of the appliance. A complete range offers a choice between electric piezo ignition and pilot heaters or battery powered, non-pilot heaters. In addition, it offers versions with different types of evacuation for every need: natural draft, forced draft, waterproof natural draft, forced draft and waterproof chamber.

Neckar heaters allow power regulation, facilitating temperature control. In modulating versions, the appliance automatically adjusts the power between maximum and 50%, that is, the user selects the desired temperature and the heater manages the amount of gas.

The Neckar range of heaters has three systems that guarantee completely safe and reliable operation.

The coil, made entirely of high purity copper, provides a long service life and is fully recyclable. All these elements have been studied to facilitate the installer's work and to guarantee maximum respect for the environment.


Simplicity and robustness, the control panel is equipped with a wheel that acts as a power selector with which we can control the water outlet temperature. Also as elements of the main panel we can distinguish two pilots, one of failure that will light up in the event that we suffer one and another that indicates that the appliance is in use with the burner connected, so that we know that it is heating the water since the flame in these heaters is not visible.

The equipment turns on automatically and only when we open the hot water tap. The gas discharge from the Neckar W8 AME watertight heater is carried out through a watertight circuit, so that the combustion of the gases is carried out in a hermetic chamber for greater safety. The fumes are expelled through a system of pipes aided by a fan. The maximum evacuation distance both vertically and horizontally is 4 meters.

Another important feature of the new Neckar W10 AME watertight gas heater is its low emission level Low NOx, complying with the most demanding new European regulations.

Buy now the Neckar W10 AME waterproof gas heater at the best price.


- Useful power Pn: 14.7 kW
- Minimum useful power Pmin: 7.4 kW
- Regulation range: 7.4 - 14.7
- Thermal flow Qn: 20 kW
- Minimum thermal flow Qmin: 8.5 kW
- Degree of utilization at 100% of the nominal load: 92%
- Degree of utilization at 30% of the nominal load: 93%
- Admissible gas supply pressure Butane G30: 28 - 30 mbar
- Admissible gas supply pressure Propane G31: 37 mbar
- Butane G30 gas consumption: 1.6 kg / h
- Propane G31 gas consumption: 1.6 kg / h
- Maximum allowable pressure pw: 12 bar
- Minimum operating pressure pwmin: 0.1 bar
- Minimum operating pressure for maximum flow: 2 bar
- Starting flow: 2,8 l / min
- Maximum flow, corresponding to a temperature increase of 30 ° C: 7.9 l / min
- Flue gas temperature at the measurement points (MAX) Butane G30: 144 ºC
- Flue gas temperature at the measurement points (MAX) Propane G31: 144 ºC
- Flue gas temperature at the measurement points (min) Butane G30: 70 ° C
- Flue gas temperature at measurement points (min) Propane G31: 69 ° C
- Power supply: 230 V
- Maximum absorbed power: 43 W
- Protection type: IPX4D
- Cold water connection: 3/4 "
- Hot water connection: 1/2 "
- Butane / Propane Gas Connection: 1/2 "

- Weight: 13 Kg
- Height x Length x Depth: 575 x 335 x 180 mm
- 2 years warranty

Comments (3)

| 27/11/2021 | Verified purchase
Neckar W10 AME Butane Gas Waterproof Gas Heater

Muy buen producto con buena calidad a buen precio

| 15/02/2021 | Verified purchase
Neckar W10 AME Butane Gas Waterproof Gas Heater

Es cómodo y fácil.en principio va bien

| 11/01/2021 | Verified purchase
Neckar W10 AME Butane Gas Waterproof Gas Heater

Rapidez en el envio, aun no lo he instalado pero supongo que funcionará correctamente.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (3)


Hola, este calentador lleva pila para encender?

Store response | 23/10/2023

Buenos días, no, este calentador va conectado a la corriente


Buenos días, este calentador se le puede regular el caudal del agua??? Y si es así dónde está el regulador.... gracias

Store response | 22/06/2021

Buenos días, este producto no tiene regulador de caudal de agua. El caudal para que arranque es de 2,8 l/min.


Mi calentador estanco w10 ame gas butano neckar, estando a la maxima temperatura, enciende por un minuto y luego se apaga, y enciende el piloto rojo, q puede ser esa falla?..gracias

Store response | 28/12/2020

Buenos días, para esta petición debe dirigirse al servicio técnico oficial.

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