Reference: 4645125160
Lossless charge valve for refrigerant gases R-32 (1-2L). Thread: SAE Male 5/16 "- Female 1/2" ACME Left
Characteristics of the H-1/2 "- M-5/16" ACME Left Lossless Charging Valve:
- Valve of load without losses.
- Threads: SAE Male 5/16 "- Female 1/2" ACME Left.
- Suitable for R-32 gas bottles (1-2L).
- Made of brass with aluminum handle.
- Facilitates the recharging of refrigerant gas equipment or facilities.
- It is operated by pushing the valve shaft into the equipment housing.
- Valid for all types of HCFC / HFC gases.
- Especially indicated to avoid gas leaks in the connections of hoses and equipment.
tres bien
Conforme a la description; Fonctionne comme attendu
produit conforme à la description, livré dans les temps. Je recommande.
Perfecto xa su uso tal como pone en la descripción
livraison rapide trés bien je recommande
Article tout à fait conforme.
Funciona bien, pero creo que la llave es más manejable la de bola.
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