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Heat pump for ACS Nuos Evo A + 80 from Ariston


Reference: 3629056

Offer: £1,000.53
PVP: £1,760.17


Nuos Evo is a heat pump that uses a natural and inexhaustible source of energy: the heat of the air. Thanks to its technology, NUOS extracts heat from the air to heat the water, spending a minimal amount of energy. In this way, 75% of the heat generated is free, without giving up the usual comfort. Ideal for small and confined spaces, easy to install, offers outstanding performance and reliability.


Energy class:
Installation type:
Mural on wall


More information

Heat pump for ACS Nuos Evo A+ 80

The monobloc wall-mounted heat pump Ariston Nuos Evo A+ is ideal for small spaces, as it is compact and easy to install. The pump offers a system efficient since it uses a natural and inexhaustible source of energy, as is the heat of the air.

Get energy savings with compared to a traditional electric water heater of at least 70%. Titanium vitrified steel boiler. Silent function reducing maximum sound impact. Ecological gas R134a.

LCD display, time programming. With easy handling, thanks to its intuitive screen.

This heat pump oara DHW has super protection of the boiler thanks to its double anode. an anode active Protech and another magnesium.

Its anti-frost system prevents freezing of condensation water. What make the Nuos range Evo A+ can work even with air at -5ºC.

Thanks to its anti legionella system prevents the proliferation of bacteria, this is due to its automatic heating of the water in the boiler.

LCD display, time programming. With easy handling, thanks to its intuitive screen.

Advantages and benefits

- Maximum efficiency in water hot

- Energy savings of at least 70% compared to a traditional electric water heater

- Maximum energy class A+

- Silent function, which reduces maximum sound impact

- Compact wall installation

- Working range in pump mode heat with air temperatures between -5ºC and 42ºC

- Ecological gas R134A which allows reach a water temperature of up to 62ºC in heat pump mode

- Built-in resistance support

- Boiler made of vitrified steel titanium

- Double anode, one active Protech that does not need maintenance and another of magnesium

- LCD control display

- Programming: This function Allows you to program the desired time and temperature. The team will reach the selected temperature at the desired time. can be program 2 schedules with their corresponding temperatures: the process gives priority to the heat pump and only starts the resistance if strictly necessary.

- Green Mode: This function provides maximum energy savings. NUOS works exclusively with a heat pump heating the sanitary water up to 62ºC.

- Auto Mode: Function that allows the best compromise between comfort and savings. The machine optimizes activation of the heat pump and resistance.

- Boost mode: This function reduces heating time is minimized and sanitary comfort is increased. The machine works at the same time with heat pump and resistance electricity, thus accelerating the heating of the water. One time exceeded 62ºC the heat pump turns off and continues the resistance until reaching the selected temperature.

- Antilegionella function: This function provides monthly automatic disinfection cycles. Yes it is necessary, the machine heats the sanitary water to the maximum temperature to destroy a possible proliferation of bacteria in the warehouse.

- Full 2-year warranty (extendable to 5 years total)

Ariston quality always at home

- 100% GUARANTEED BY ARISTON:All components have been developed to ensure performance long-lasting and highly efficient: maximum guarantee, signed by Ariston.
- 100% VERIFIED AND TESTED: All products Ariston have passed the most rigorous quality controls, efficiency and safety before reaching you. Our commitment: obtain the best results.
- 100% MADE FOR LAST: High strength materials, components and products developed to work in extreme conditions that guarantee the best results for longer.

Technical characteristics of the Heat pump for DHW Nuos Evo A+ 80

- Model: Nuos Evo A+ 80

- Reference: 3629056

- Nominal capacity: 80 liters

- Electric power absorbed pump heat: 250 W

- Heating time: 5h35min

- Maximum temperature: 62(55 factory)

- Air temperature min/max: -5/42 ºC

- Maximum absorbed power: 1550 W

- Nominal air flow: 100-200 m3/h

- Resistance power: 1200 W

- Sound capacity: 50 dB(A)

- Maximum operating pressure: 8 bar

- Type of refrigerant: R134A

- Refrigerant charge: 0.5 kg

- CO2 equivalent: 0.715 tons

- Erp class: A+

- Consumption profile: M

- Minimum installation local volume: 20m3

- Dimensions: 1171x506x535mm

- Weight: 50 Kg

- 3 Years warranty (Expandable to through the manufacturer)

Videos (5)

Comments (3)

| 30/03/2021 | Verified purchase
Heat pump for ACS Nuos Evo A + 80 from Ariston

Por ahora cumple lo que esperábamos. Muy satisfecha

| 21/01/2019
Heat pump for ACS Nuos Evo A + 80 from Ariston

Muy contento. El instalador me recomendó esta bomba y francamente está teniendo un rendimiento óptimo.

| 17/12/2018
Heat pump for ACS Nuos Evo A + 80 from Ariston

De momento, aunque llevo poco tiempo usándolo, contento.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (4)


Se puede instalar en el exterior?

Store response | 27/02/2023

Buenos días, no recomendamos su instalación en el exterior ya que usa el aire ambiental para calentar el agua. Contra más frio esté el aire más consumo tendrá la bomba. 

Además lás inclemencias del tiempo tambien pueden afectar a la vida útil del producto.

Si no hay otra opción y debe instalarlo en el exterior proteja muy bien el producto mediante un armario o similar. 


Estoy interesado en la compra de un termo para acs. Quisiera saber si el modelo evo se puede instalar dentro, pero sin ser necesario poner la bomba en el exterior?? Gracias

Store response | 11/01/2021

El modelo que nos indica es solo para ACS, se puede instalar en el interior y no lleva bomba exterior.


Necesita una toma de aire exterior o con el aire que tome de la habitacion donde esta es suficiente?? gracias

Store response | 21/12/2020

Buenos días, con el aire que hay en la habitación es suficiente.

See all questions

Hola. Para 3 personas es suficiente y dos baños. Mi idea era colocarlo en el exterior debajo de un voladizo y posteriormente cerrarlo con persinas mallorquinas.

Store response | 03/12/2020

Buenos días, para 3 persona es suficiente. Puede colocarlo en el exterior con las condiciones que nos describe.

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