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Junkers Wireless Modulating CR 80RF Thermostat


Reference: 7738112287

Offer: £121.80
PVP: £207.43


Junkers CR 80 RF wireless modulating chronothermostat with weekly and daily programming. Wireless communication via radio between receiver built into the boiler and a room thermostat without cables.


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Very complete system in terms of management, very simple and intuitive in terms of use.
The automatic configuration option, the text messages and the large screen with pictograms, facilitate the use and programming of the thermostat.

Junkers Wireless Modulating CR 80RF Thermostat Features:

- Modulating programmer thermostat, for the control of a heating circuit.

- Wireless with radio communication. Consisting of a receiver built into the boiler (depending on models) and a room thermostat without cables.

- Receiver and thermostat connected to each other from the factory. It is only necessary to fit the receiver into a boiler, and ready to go.

- Batteries included in the scope of supply.

- Weekly or daily heating programming with six daily switching points.

- DHW programming (direct from boiler) in ON / OFF or AUTO modes (with independent heating program).

- Schedule of vacation period.

- Not compatible with additional modules.

- Low battery level notice one and a half months in advance.

- Display of room temperature, active heating program, maintenance messages and error codes.

- Class V according to ErP (3% additional energy efficiency).

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Comments (3)

| 05/01/2022 | Verified purchase
Junkers Wireless Modulating CR 80RF Thermostat

Recibido a tiempo, contenta y recomiendo el Cronotermostato inalámbrico modulante Junkers CR 80 RF

| 28/02/2020
Junkers Wireless Modulating CR 80RF Thermostat

Tengo una caldera JUNKERS CR 80 Tengo una caldera JUNKERS ZWBC- 25-2 es compatible con el termostato CR 80 RF i que tiene montado un termostato ambiente i que supongo que tendre que desconectarlo de la caldera si es compatible ? Gracias

| 11/04/2019
Junkers Wireless Modulating CR 80RF Thermostat

Fácil colocación y muy sencillo de utilizar

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Este termostato es compatible con modelo ZWBE30-3C 31 JUNKER gracias

Store response | 25/05/2021

Buenos días, este modelo es compatible con el termostato que nos indica.

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