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T6 Lyric Honeywell Wired Smart Thermostat


Reference: Y6H810WF1005

Offer: £174.70
PVP: £229.59
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Enjoy the best home climate with the Honeywell Lyric T6 Smart Thermostat wired black and the Lyric app from Honeywell. In addition to being easily configured from scratch, it offers the best features of today's connected devices. Schedule it based on your needs, adjust heating remotely with your smartphone, or simply let the automated location-based feature start heating your home before you arrive.


More information

The Honeywell Lyric T6 Smart Thermostat is installed fixed on the wall, designed to replace a traditional thermostat.

The black Lyric T6 Smart Thermostat is the latest model of programmable devices (thermostats) wired, with screen touch screen and Wi-Fi remote control, through a smartphone or tablet.

It can be used in basic 230v on/off boilers, boilers and heating systems with OpenTherm technology, collectors for underfloor heating, combi boilers and two-way zone valves.


Many advantages for you:

The Lyric T6 Smart Thermostat offers enormous advantages to the user:

- Touch screen: facilitates programming, changing and adjusting the temperature,

- Control via a smartphone/tablet: allows all users have the possibility to control the heating system from any location,

- Geo-location: allows to adjust,  from one m automatic anera, heating depending on its location. In this way, the pre-established time programming is canceled and it is automatically adjusted according to the geographical location of your smartphone. If the user does not have stable schedules, this device allows them to adapt to their life,

- Varied programming: Allows all users to choose the different configurations that satisfy all their needs (weekly, daily and weekend). week),

- Different periods: allows you to configure up to 6 different periods per day.

- Intelligent TPI control protocols: It guarantees that the temperature requested in the thermostat is the that is in the environment during the entire scheduled time.

- The T6 Smart Thermostat works with Apple HomeKit, Amazon Echo, Google Home and IFTTT.

Technical characteristics of the T6 Lyric Honeywell smart wired thermostat:

- Modes of operation: Off mode, time program, Geofence program, holidays, permanent manual mode.

- Control functions: Temperature control Fuzzy logic Proportional + Integral Application.

- Only for heating

- Minimum time Programming time: 10 minutes

- Programmable on/off periods per day: 6

- Vacation mode: Yes

- Optimization: Yes

- Set point per day: User selectable

- Thermal anticipator: No

- ErP class: V

- Sensor location: Internal

- Adjustable temperature range: 5 to 35ºC

- Temperature control precision 0.5ºC

- Set point lock: Yes

- Set point limitation: Yes

- Output control signal: Voltage-free contact and OpenTherm

- Display functions: LCD touch screen

- Insulation: Double insulation

- Protection class: IP30

- Maximum cable size: 1.5 mm2

- Power supply: Connected to mains

- Internal memory without voltage: Yes

- Ambient temperature: 0 to 50ºC

- Language of manuals: Spanish

- Default time format: 24h

- Available languages: Spanish, English, German, Italian, French and Dutch

Videos (2)

Comments (5)

| 19/01/2023 | Verified purchase
Lyric Honeywell T6 Wired Smart Thermostat

Es lo que buscaba, funciona muy bien. Solo hay una pega ... cada vez que hay un corte del suministro eléctrico no se vuelve a conectar al Wi-Fi automáticamente. Y cuesta mucho volver a hacerlo.

| 10/12/2021 | Verified purchase
Lyric Honeywell T6 Wired Smart Thermostat

Todo,perfecto. Muy rapido yel material perfectamente envalado.

| 02/11/2021 | Verified purchase
Lyric Honeywell T6 Wired Smart Thermostat

A emprega fugiu uns dias do previsto. O produto é satisfatório

| 24/05/2020 | Verified purchase
Lyric Honeywell T6 Wired Smart Thermostat

Increíble, tanto en servicio como en rapidez y el aparatito en cuestión es una maravilla. Todo genial.

| 24/01/2018
Lyric Honeywell T6 Wired Smart Thermostat

Todo bien

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (6)


¿Cuando hay cortes electricos o micro cortes, se desconfigura la conexion wifi y/ó los programas memorizados?

Store response | 22/02/2023

Buenos días, no, tanto el termostato T6 como el termostatoT6R no se desconfiguran si no tienen alimentación eléctrica ya que los datos estan guardados en la App del movil. Cuando el termostato vuelva a tener alimentación eléctrica se conectará a la App y reestablecera los valores.


Dispõe da função Full Lock Screen com desbloqueio através de código PIN ?

Store response | 02/02/2023

Bom dia, não possui tela de bloqueio completa com desbloqueio por código PIN


Tengo climatizacion por aerotermia Daikin y suelo radiante. Este termostato vale para calor y FRÍO??

Store response | 15/11/2021

Buenos días, si, este producto es para calefacción por suelo radiante.

See all questions

Se puede instalar sin conectar el receptor que trae a la caldera ?

Store response | 15/11/2021

Buenos días, no, se debe instalar con el receptor.


Buenas tardes Este termostato sirve para suelo radiante y refrescante? Muchas gracias

Store response | 08/11/2021

Buenos días, si este termostato sirve para suelo radiante.


Buenas tardes. Puedo instalar el Termostato inálambrico wifi Honeywell Lyric T6R o T6 en una caldera Roca R 20/20 FF? Gracias.

Store response | 08/01/2021

Buenos días, debe comprobar que los cable de conexión sean los mismos. En la ficha de producto encontrará una guía de instalación.

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