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Regulator automation 1,1Kw Gut

Brand: GUT

Reference: PRESMGUT

Offer: £29.56
PVP: £127.93
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It keeps the electric pump connected until the installation demand is zero, thus avoiding stops and starts during the supply, with the consequent pressure variations, typical of the traditional expansion vessel system. It incorporates a safety system to disconnect the electric pump in the event of a lack of water supply.


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Control automation with rear output for pumps up to 1.1 Kw. They are used to start and stop the pumps, replacing the pressure switch, pressure gauge and expansion vessel, maintaining a constant pressure depending on the output flow and in line with the performance of the pump.

< p>Start pressure set at the factory at 1.5 bars

Characteristics of 1.1Kw regulator automation:
- Maximum working pressure: 10 bar.
- Single-phase voltage: 220V
- Frequency: 50Hz
- Maximum power: 1.1Kw
- Maximum temperature: 60ºC.
- Weight: 1.6Kg

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O meu sistema atual não fixa a ligação da bomba de água num só arranque, por vezes fica intermitente no liga /desliga, o que não é nada saudável para a bomba e também em termos de picos de consumo de energia elétrica, qual a garantia de ter um sistema mais estável ????

Store response | 30/06/2021

Bom dia sim, esse sistema pode ajudar a ter um sistema mais estável.

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