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S&P CK-40F S&P kitchen extractor

Brand: S & P

Reference: 5211316400

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Centrifugal kitchen extractors made of fireproof plastic, easy to disassemble and clean to increase its durability. V0 fireproof plastic centrifugal extractor, with built-in grease collection tray, and 230V-50Hz motor, Class B.


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Centrifugal extractor, made of fireproof plastic V0, with built-in grease collection tray, and 230V-50Hz motor, Class B.

S&P CK-40F Technical Features:

- Power: 70 W

- Air flow: 360 m3 / h

- Sound level in operation: 30 dB (A)

- Ventilation surface: 5 square meters approx.

- Temperature: 20 ° C

- Altitude: 0m

- Density: 1.2Kg / m³

- Frequency: 50Hz

- Drive diameter: 98mm

- Fan size: 40F

- Voltage: 1-230V-50Hz

- Maximum absorbed intensity: 0.3A

- Engine class: B

- Net weight: 4 kg

- Dimensions: 370x266x162mm

Comments (5)

| 20/05/2022 | Verified purchase
S&P CK-40F 230V 50Hz 2350Rpm kitchen exhaust fan

Extractores que cumplen perfectament con las espectativas. Los recibimos muy rapidos y en perfectas condiciones.

| 20/12/2020 | Verified purchase
S&P CK-40F 230V 50Hz 2350Rpm kitchen exhaust fan

simple à poser, aspire bien et silencieux

| 07/11/2020 | Verified purchase
S&P CK-40F 230V 50Hz 2350Rpm kitchen exhaust fan

Produit efficace - Très bien

| 22/10/2020 | Verified purchase
S&P CK-40F 230V 50Hz 2350Rpm kitchen exhaust fan

conforme à la description, facile à installer, à l'air efficace

| 13/08/2020
S&P CK-40F 230V 50Hz 2350Rpm kitchen exhaust fan

L,estrattore per cappa da cucina CK.40 F è un'ottimo prodotto,ero già in possesso del CK-40acquistato a Barcellona nel 1991,dopo 29 anni di servizio si è guastato,per cui ho acquistato ilmodello tuttora prodotto IL ck.40F. Il tutto funziona molto bene,il negozio è ottimo,poi il prezzo è il piu' basso trovato. Due giorni dopo aver fatto l'ordine il prodotto è arrivato,il negozio,si merita un bel 10 su tutti i fronti

How do reviews and ratings work?

The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (4)


¿Cuantos vatios consume?

Store response | 16/03/2023

Buenos días, consume 70W.


De qué clase energética es?

Store response | 12/01/2022

Buenos días, este producto esta clasificado como clase B.


Bonjour, Ce produit m'intéresse comment est-il posé ? Bien cordialement

Store response | 03/06/2021

Bonjour, ce produit s'installe au mur, à environ 1 mètre de la cuisinière et par le haut vous devez raccorder le tuyau d'évacuation des fumées.

See all questions

Buenas tardes..mi extractor es el CK-40 ..sin la F ..hay mucha diferencia??? Quería sustituir el que tengo .

Store response | 04/01/2021

Buenos días, en principio no encontramos diferencias. Es la versión nueva.

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