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S&P Hcm-225-N Helical Window Extractor

Brand: S & P

Reference: 5201421400

Offer: £112.11
PVP: £141.31
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Helical fan for installation on glass or wall S&P HCM-225-N in white, with an approximate flow of 600 m3 / h. Reference 5201421400


Flow (m3 / h):


More information

Helical fan with ABS plastic casing, built-in overpressure shutter, 230V-50Hz motor at 28 W of power and 1350 rpm, class B, IPX4, Class II, with thermal protector by means of fuse. Suitable for installation on glass or wall.

External shutter External shutter with overpressure opening. Safety grilles on both sides to prevent accidental contact or the entry of foreign bodies.

Glass mounting by means of two screws that hold the inner body with the protective flange. Maximum thickness (3 to 6 mm), drilling diameter 262 to 267 mm

Wall mountingusing four screws that hold the inner body to the wall itself. Drilling diameter from 262 to 267 mm.

Features of the S&P Hcm-225-N window extractor fan:
- Speed: 1350 rpm.
- Nominal power: 28W
- Voltage: 230V-50Hz
- Maximum flow rate: 600m3/h
- Sound pressure level at 1.5m: 45
- Weight: 1.8Kg

*Warranty notice: All installed products must be sent or taken personally to the SAT in your area or the nearest one.

Comments (9)

| 15/09/2023 | Verified purchase
S&P Hcm-225-N Helical Window Extractor

Esta ventilador substituiu um igual, mas modelo antigo (HCM-225-M). Gostei do sistema automático da persiana. Recomendaria o produto.

| 15/02/2023 | Verified purchase
S&P Hcm-225-N Helical Window Extractor

Très satisfait de la facilité de la commande de la rapidité de la livraison et du produit correspondant à mes attentes

| 10/11/2022 | Verified purchase
S&P Hcm-225-N Helical Window Extractor

Livraison ultra rapide / produit conforme à commandé Bravo

| 25/08/2022 | Verified purchase
S&P Hcm-225-N Helical Window Extractor

J'avais déjà cet appareil, et en étais très satisfait

| 09/04/2022 | Verified purchase
S&P Hcm-225-N Helical Window Extractor

Excelente tempo de entrega em Portugal !

See all comments
| 28/01/2022 | Verified purchase
S&P Hcm-225-N Helical Window Extractor

Compré 2 y uno estaba roto,hice las gestiones y me lo cambiaron.estubo correcto todo.

| 01/07/2021 | Verified purchase
S&P Hcm-225-N Helical Window Extractor

parfait, comme prévu. Fonctionnement très silencieux

| 28/11/2020 | Verified purchase
S&P Hcm-225-N Helical Window Extractor

Très bon produit rien à redire sur l'ensemble de la prestation.

| 13/07/2020 | Verified purchase
S&P Hcm-225-N Helical Window Extractor

Après quelques deboires avec le transporteur.(gls)et au bout de deux livraisons, le produit est de bonne qualité et fonctionne très bien.

How do reviews and ratings work?

The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (3)


Necesito aspas ventilador hcm- 225- n 40 w

Store response | 04/01/2024

Buenos días, lamentablemente no disponemos de recambios.


Cúal es el diámetro?

Store response | 06/10/2021

Buenas tardes, en la segunda imagen en la ficha de producto verá las medidas. El producto total (visto frontal) hace 298mm de diámetro y el tubo de salida hace 248mm de diámetro.


Estoy interesado en este Extractor para instalar en pared. Quisiera saber si se sirve con todos loa accesorios necesarios. Muchas gracias.

Store response | 26/11/2020

Buenos días, dentro de la caja del extractor encontrará el extractor completo y los tornillos de fijación. No están incluidos los tubos o similares.

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