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TurboMAG pro 125/1 watertight heater Vaillant butane gas


Reference: 0020273027

Offer: £301.90
PVP: £795.50


Vaillant turboMAG pro 125/1 watertight heater for butane gas with a power of 21.6 kW. The new turboMAG pro is a robust and reliable gas heater that offers maximum safety and optimum comfort to all users. Nominal flow 12 l / min. Energy efficiency class A. Airtight combustion chamber without risk of smoke inhalation.


Gas type:
Power in kW:
Energy class:
Flow (l / min):


More information
The turboMAG pro 125/1 natural gas watertight heater is a robust and reliable gas heater that offers maximum safety and optimum comfort to all users. Its installation is simple and is carried out as quickly as possible thanks to the wide range of evacuation accessories that ensures adaptation to most homes.

Main characteristics of the turboMAG pro 125/1 butane gas watertight heater:
- Proven technology without complex components.
- Small dimensions: easy integration into small spaces, including standard kitchen cabinet measurements.
- Easy and fast installation: it brings all the necessary accessories for a basic, clean installation. Save time.
- Maximum safety: no risk of smoke inhalation thanks to the sealed combustion chamber.
- Maximum savings: thanks to the modulating regulation according to the temperature of the water in the DHW outlet, it ensures optimal consumption and perfect thermal stability.
- Without pilot flame: It does not consume any gas in standby mode.
- More ecological: with a very cutting-edge combustion technology, it reduces NOx emissions to take care of our environment.
- No grille on the wall: no outside air (hot or cold) enters the house.
- Standard frost protection: installation indoors and outdoors, in a place protected from rain

Technical characteristics of the turboMAG pro 125/1 butane gas watertight heater:
- Model: turboMAG pro 125/1
- DHW Efficiency Class / Profile dem: A / L
- Nominal flow (L / min): 12
- Useful power (kW): 21.6
- Pressure min / max. (bar): 0.2-10
- Type of gas: Butane gas

Comments (1)

| 28/07/2022 | Verified purchase
TurboMAG pro 125/1 watertight heater Vaillant butane gas

Matériel conforme bien

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Questions (7)


Cet appareil est il bien un chauffe eau a gaz instantané ? (chauffe bain)

Store response | 28/04/2023

Bonjour, oui, c'est un chauffe-eau pour toute la maison. Chauffe l'eau avec du gaz butane/propane.


Vale para gas propano también

Store response | 27/02/2023

Buenos días, si, vale para gas propano o butano.


Este calentador funciona con propano y butano. Pero, ¿Es necesario hacer alguna modificacion? Gracias.

Store response | 27/12/2021

Buenos días, no es necesario hacer ninguna modificación para el gas butano/propano.

See all questions

Hay un codo y tubo de escape incluido en el precio??? Gracias

Store response | 12/07/2021

Buenos días si, incluye kit de salida ref: 0020201156 compuesto de tubo, codo 90ºC, abrazadera y embellecedores.


Kan deze in open ruimte gebruikt worden zonder afvoer? Kan deze op propaan en butaan? Mvrgr. M

Store response | 02/07/2021

Goedemorgen, dit model kan binnen of buiten worden geïnstalleerd. Dit model werkt met butaan/propaangas.


Is dit een gesloten of een open geiser?

Store response | 21/05/2021

Goedemorgen, dit is een gesloten of gesloten kachel.


Is deze geiser geschikt voor propaan gas ? Gr. P.Kamper

Store response | 12/04/2021

Goedemorgen, als dit product voor butaan / propaangas is

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