The connected lighting micromodule is the perfect solution to transform a traditional light point into a connected one, without the need for complicated cable installations. With this device, you will be able to control your lamps of up to 300 W, whether they are LED, halogen or compact fluorescent, in a comfortable and simple way.
The installation of the micromodule is very simple, just connect it directly to the lighting you want to control. Once installed, you will be able to control the lighting from one or several wireless commands, as well as from the DAY/NIGHT and ENTER/EXIT commands. You also have the option of using conventional pushbuttons connected directly to the micromodule.
The micro module's compact dimensions of just 52 x 40 x 20 mm (including fixing lugs) ensure its discreet integration into any space. Take advantage of connected lighting with the micro connected lighting module and enjoy full control over your lights without the hassle.
El micromódulo actúa como interruptor que se puede accionas desde teléfono móvil, quedando oculto en el interior del cableado del sistema de iluminación, permite accionar las luces desde el interior del edificio así como desde el exterior, también es opcional colocar un interruptor inalámbrico que se puede colocar donde se crea conveniente. Es necesario tener instalado el Starter Pack que actúa de intermediario entre el móvil y el micromódulo. El Starter Pack opera mediante el Wiffi de la vivienda .En el móvil es necesario instalar la app control de netamo, a través de la cual se realizan las operaciones de encendido y apagado de las luces.
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