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Nuvola Fig Condensate Nebulizer

Brand: FIG

Reference: NUVOLA

Offer: £126.24
PVP: £190.50


Condensate pump with FIG Nuvola nebulizer. Up to 50 meters of condensate discharge. Adaptable to all air conditioning systems without affecting its operation.


More information

The Fig brand Nuvola condensate pump with nebulizer series is the ideal solution to manage the condensate from your air conditioning systems efficiently. With a delivery capacity of up to 50 meters, this pump guarantees optimum performance.

Best of all, the Nuvola condensate pump is adaptable to all air conditioning systems without affecting its operation. You can rest easy knowing that your HVAC system will continue to operate efficiently.

One of the outstanding features of this pump is the incorporation of a nozzle that allows condensate to be nebulized, providing an ecological way of refreshing the environment. Enjoy a fresh and comfortable environment without compromising the environment.

Installation and maintenance of the Nuvola condensate pump is quick and easy, giving you the comfort and ease you need.

Trust the Fig Nuvola series condensate pump with nebulizer for efficient and ecological management of your air conditioning condensate. Enjoy a fresh and comfortable environment at all times!

Comments (1)

| 01/07/2022 | Verified purchase
Nuvola Fig Condensate Nebulizer

Conozco ya estos nebulizadores que aconsejo para quien no puede descargar la condensa de su aire acondicionado. Por experiencia a este modelo muevo una critica, en caso de bloqueo de la bomba, no hay un tubo de desague del "demasiado lleno", aconsejo abrir uno o dos agujeritos de 8/10mm en la base con el taladro para improvisar un desague de emergencia. Toda la equipacion electrica interior no vendria a contacto con el agua y se evitaria un potencial corto circuito. Se han perdido en un detalle insignificante. Lastima porque funciona muy bien. Arreglado esto seria un aparato perfecto.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, können Sie mir bitte mitteilen, welchen Geräuschpegel dieses Gerät verursacht. Dies wäre wichtig um die Einsatzmöglichkeiten einschätzen zu können. Besten Dank!

Store response | 05/09/2023

Der Lieferant gibt diese Daten in seinem technischen Datenblatt nicht an, obwohl wir davon ausgehen können, dass der Lärm geringer ist als der der Maschine selbst, da er für den Einsatz in Klimaanlagen konzipiert ist, sodass dies nicht als relevante Daten angesehen wird.

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